For manufacturers

Do You Want to Grow Global?

Find Support From Professional E-sellers

We Offer Long-Term Cooperation and High Value Branding

Ride With Us!


We are glad that you have found your way to our website. Our company deals with the sale and marketing with all kinds of products in e-commerce. We operate internationally and sell products all over the world. The focus on building high-quality brands and it is important for us that the customer is satisfied with both the product quality and the customer service. The customer is our friend who is worth a gift every day!

Our Story

We are a company with Estonian roots and have over 20 years of experience in the field of sales and marketing. We started with the two of us in a small attic and have grown into a company that values and cares for its employees, customers and partners.

Our Mission

We want to create and develop brands that are associated with high product quality, great user experience and pleasing design. At the moment, we operate mainly in the US, but our dream is to expand our business all over the world in at least 15 different marketplaces

Our Vision

We want to create value for our customers through products, packaging, social media posts, customer service and user experience. If customer is happy, we are happy.

What We Do?


We build brands focused on quality and creating a value proposition for the customer.

Digital Marketing Technology Solution for Online Business Concept - Graphic interface showing analytic diagram of online market promotion strategy on digital advertising platform via social media.


We are active on various social media channels (youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) to inspire our customers and give them ideas about our brand's products. We have a modern and effective marketing strategy that is based on science and experience.

Customer Service

We offer fast and friendly customer service. The customer is our friend who is worth a gift every day.

Product Analysis And Development

Each product is the result of a thorough analysis that evolves over time with customer feedback. We have wonderful designers and product managers, with whom we create distinctive and user-friendly products.

Meet Our Leadership

Our team is more than a collection of people. Our team is like our family.

Margus Soone


Hannela Liht

Product Manager

Merilyn Õis

Marketing Manager

Marko Õis

Logistics Manager


Why Choose Us?

Every day, our genius geeks track what’s happening with sales, product feedback, marketing channels, and competitors with embarrassing precision. We are constantly optimizing our system to be better tomorrow.

We treat our clients like friends and family because every person wants to be loved, listened to and noticed. It is important for us to sell not only the product but also the emotion. There are so many of us in this world and each person deserves to feel special.

We are not only colleagues, but also friends who share every day their thoughts, opinions and ideas with each other. Our people are friendly, helpful and have a great sense of humor.

We have long-term experience in sales and marketing work in various fields. In addition, we keep up with the times and constantly update ourselves. Every experience is a worthwhile experience.

Our managers are highly educated and experienced. They know what they are doing and what they want to achieve.

We Don't Just Sell Things, We Sell Emotion

We are happy to answer your questions